9/11 Assassinations?

One of the most famous and influential figures in conspiracy research was author Milton Cooper best known for his 1991 book ‘Behold a Pale Horse' in which he warned of numerous, complex global conspiracies.

In June 2001, three months ahead of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre, Cooper publicly warned people about an imminent false-flag terrorist attack, warning specifically that Osama bin Laden would be blamed for it. "It won’t be Osama Bin Laden. It will be those behind the New World Order," Cooper said, some theory! In November, 2001 Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Arizona home on charges of 'aggravated assault with a deadly weapon'. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper allegedly shot one of the deputies in the head, the author was himself fatally shot.

Another one who may have been killed for her quest for the truth about 9/11 was Beverly Eckert. She was a high-profile activist and one of the better known advocates for the creation of the 9/11 Commission to officially investigate the truth about the attacks on the Twin Towers (in which her husband was one of the many victims).

However, like many of the 9/11 victims’ families, she was unconvinced by the conclusions of the official 9/11 Commission. Eckert met with Obama in 2009 at the White House, asking for him to create a second 9/11 investigation. She is said to have refused 'hush money' on more than one occasion and refused to let the matter slide. Eckert was killed in an airplane crash (a common cause of death for inconvenient researchers and activists, it seems) just six days after her meeting with Obama. Eckert was aboard a commuter plane approaching the Buffalo airport on a Thursday night when it took an unexpected nose-dive into the ground, killing all passengers aboard and one person on the ground.

Former pilot Philip Marshall who wrote a book about the 9/11 cover-up titled ‘The Big Bamboozle’ was found dead with his two children aged 14 and 17 in his home February 1st 2013. We are told that he killed his two children, the dog and then himself using only 4 shots without any struggle. Hmm don’t think so somehow.

This was a professional hit, one gun-shot each to the three people and the dog, and out they went.

Phil Marshall was a pilot for Eastern Airlines and he use to work for the DEA and CIA as a pilot, ferrying among others Barry Seal around through New Orleans and Mena airfield during the Iran-Contra affair. Barry Seal had been a CIA drug pilot smuggling cocaine with the CIA to support the Contra insurgency in Nicaragua. Barry Seal was made famous in the 2017 Tom Cruise movie ‘American Made’.

Marshall had said in a previous statement: “The official version about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world defeating our entire military establishment on U.S. soil is absolutely preposterous”.

“Marshall was murdered for the sensitive information that he knew about 9/11, information that was kept secret from the public. Marshalls next book were probably going to suggest that the planes that hit the Twin Towers were not regularly scheduled aircraft but were actually recommissioned civilian aircraft, 757 and 767 which flew from the Merano airfield. It is believed Marshall be have been tipped off by his old colleagues from the CIA who worked with him on the Iran-Contra drug smuggling operations”, former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen.

According to Madsen, all of Marshall’s neighbours believe it was a professional murder and not a murder suicide as claimed by the police. First the deaths occurred on Friday and the bodies were not discovered until the Saturday which means the neighbours did not hear any shots being fired so a silencer was probably used, but no silencer was on the gun when the deaths were discovered. Plus the dog had been killed, they had a small dog a Shih Tzu. You don’t shoot your own dog....an intruder does to "silence" the barking. Marshall was shot in the left side of his head, once, he was lying on his back with the gun underneath but Marshall was right handed.

According to Madsen the side door was wide open when the officials found his body, however, that was a door the family never used.

The crime scene was illegally cleaned up by professionals before any investigation took place. The repeated professional-clean-ups of Marshall’s house after the murder suggest that the killers, and the agency or agencies employing them, were looking for a specific piece of evidence or information which they probably found because Marshall’s computer mysteriously disappeared after the killings, and its whereabouts remain unknown.

The police have no motive, no suicide note, and no indication that Marshall fits the profile of someone who murdered the two people closest to him, his own flesh and blood.

A neighbour named Mike Brown described Mr. Marshall as a dedicated father and Merita Calloway of the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors said Marshall was very involved with his kids.

Joel Metzger, of Calaveras Enterprises.com, reports that Calloway also said, “the actions don’t match the person we know” and “he loved his children.” Next door neighbour Carolyn Greenwood said, “I knew him long enough to know he was a regular guy. He was a good father, always there for his kids and a helpful neighbour.”

There is no suicide note and no motive. Also, no one heard any gun shots between Thursday, January 31st and Saturday February 2nd, 2013.

US National Security Agency Officer Wayne Madsen says the author was working on his fourth book at the time; a book he claimed was going to 'blow the 9/11 conspiracy wide open'.

Why would Marshall just kill himself and his family without reason? He wouldn’t. This man was working hard to expose the lies behind 9/11 and appears to have gotten far too close to the truth. Marshall was working on a fourth book in which he was going to reveal much more than we have been given thus far, however, he and his family met their end before this could happen, coincidence? I think not.