The Jews Behind Black Lives Matter & Antifa
Why do Jews fund Black Lives Matter & Terror organisation Antifa
“Today we are taught in the schools that "Anti-Semitism" began in Germany because of “white supremacy” in the 1930s that we now know is a complete fabrication. White supremacism was a myth concocted by Jewish supremacists to describe opposition to their attempts to enslave the brave people of Germany that fought the embodiment of evil. You will see this tactic used time and time again by Jews all through history claim your enemy is what you in fact are then demonize them for it while claiming you are the victim. I will show how they have weaponized this tactic and indoctrinated our youth with it through the spread of Cultural Marxism and the rise of supremacist groups employing and normalizing terrorism, hate and oppression like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Social Justice, and 3rd wave feminism in the modern political landscape over the last decade”, - Daniel Estulin, Author ‘Communism’ and ‘The True Story of the Bilderberg Group’
THE WORD “diversity” is Jewish coded language for “genocide of Whites.” It’s everywhere on their controlled media.
Anti-White activist Robin DeAngelo lies through her teeth, saying she “grew up White” when in fact she grew up Jewish and was taught hatred of White Americans and utter disdain for “schvartzes” (Jewish slang for Blacks) from her mother’s knee.
Over a century ago when Black activist Marcus Garvey came from the island of Jamaica to the New York City office of the NAACP, he found no Blacks there and instead an office full of Jewish lawyers and Jewish staffers looking to use Blacks as Robin DeAngelo still does today; that is, as cannon fodder in the Jews’ rage campaign to destroy the White race. The only Blacks who got into the NAACP a century ago were there to get on their knees and shine the Jews’ shoes, while today the only Blacks to get into the homes of Robin DeAngelo and her sort also get on their knees to clean the toilets. Who’s kidding whom with this nonsense of Jews “loving” Blacks? — to whom they refer behind their backs as “schvartzes,” and whose Rambam, Maimonides, has taught down through the ages that Blacks aren’t even human.
BLM, as Jared Taylor mentions, has gotten pledges of well over a billion dollars to fund the revolution destroying White America, yet BLM is a Jewish terrorist front-group run from the shadows by anti-White terrorist Susan Rosenberg of Thousand Currents (and now the Tides Foundation). After being pardoned by Clinton in the late 90s, she went straight to work for organized Jewry in America where she still works directing payments on behalf of BLM enabling these riots. There’s apparently so much corporate money going to the riots that rioters can be driven around by limo services using luxury throw-away SUVs, get gourmet food catered in Seattle, and never have to worry about posting bail. Considering BLM has gotten so many tens of millions in funding, it follows that the DOJ, were it not also a function of organized Jewry in America, would be confiscating those funds and courts would be ordering the money paid as reparations for the damage done to property and as compensation to the families of Whites stomped into puddles of blood in the streets.
Antifa was originally proudly hailed on many Jewish sites as Jewish through and through, and, prior to these riots, the violent protests by antifa on college campuses were apparently run through campus Hillel. They ran security too in many cases, and for the same reasons nothing will happen today. Of course the DOJ/FBI, State Dept, and mother of all System bureaucracies, the Pentagon, are doing nothing to suppress the Jewish revolution since they’re an integral part of it.
BLM Is Just a Totally Jewish Scam That Isn’t Even Run by Black People
Jewish Billionaire George Soros funds Black Lives Matter
The Soros Foundation announced $220 million donations to BLM and black-led justice organizations building power in black communities across the country. The Open Society Foundations added that the donations will help the movement to "end policing as we know it."
This is not the first time Soros has donated to Black Lives Matter. In August 2016 the mysterious "DC Leaks" website posted hacked documents from George Soros's Open Society. The documents included information on operations in Latin America, Eurasia, Asia, the US, Europe and the World Bank.
One document revealed Soros paid $650,000 to the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Washington Times accused Soros of giving at least $33 million in one year to the far left groups that emboldened black lives matter activists.
During the Ferguson riots a Soros-linked organization MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) and OBS (Organization for Black Struggle) advertised for paid protesters in Ferguson.
Soros groups have had several connections to Black Lives Matter organizers and activists. According to Politico, the Soros funded group The Democracy Alliance donated to several race-based movement organizations that ally with the Black Lives Matter movement. Many of George Soros’s groups have provided funding and guidance to the Black Lives Matter movement and affiliated organizations, with the billionaire investing $33 million in BLM alone. The BLM calls for defunding police departments, race-based reparations, voting rights for illegal immigrants, fossil-fuel divestment, an end to private education and charter schools, a “universal basic income,” and free college for blacks.
In the wake of the George Floyd killing cities from coast to coast in America are being burned by paid rioters many of whom have been bused in from other parts of the country – courtesy of Black Lives Matter and Antifa – both funded by Jew Soros
George Soros 'trying to create race war in the US', says writer
George Soros Can Influence Global Media with Ties to at Least 253 Organizations, Study Finds
Liberal billionaire George Soros is tied to at least a staggering 253 media organizations around the world, according to a new study conducted by MRC Business.
“The 92-year-old philanthropist’s multimillion-dollar efforts promoting his bizarre ‘open society’ agenda encompass some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism,” they continued. “In the United States, Soros is known for his massive involvement backing liberal policies and politicians. Since the 2016 election, he has spent at least $200 million backing political candidates, which includes $29 million for local prosecutors and district attorneys.”
Convicted Jewish Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter
Convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg is vice chair of Thousand Currents, a California-based charity that handles fundraising for Black Lives Matter. Rosenberg is a veteran of the May 19 Communist Organization that carried out bombings in the early 1980s to counter President Reagan’s “Morning in America” campaign. Rosenberg landed on the FBI most wanted list and was arrested with stolen explosives in 1984.
From 2016 to 2020, Thousand Currents became one of America’s most influential racial and social change organizations because it is Black Lives Matter Global Network’s fiscal sponsor. As the group’s fiscal sponsor, Thousand Currents handles Black Lives Matter’s administrative and back-end work so the racial group can focus on its activism, protests, and riots. As of June 24, 2020 [a month after the death of George Floyd, and during the ensuing riots], Thousand Currents had deleted from its website the Board of Directors information listing Rosenberg’s biography.
Behind Black Lives Matter: Big Money and Violent Revolutionaries
Now Comes The Proof That George Soros And His Open Society Foundation Have Been Funnelling Money To The George Floyd Rioters
Is “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) the Mask Behind Which the Oligarchs Operate?
On September 4, the Department of Homeland Security issued a draft report stating that “White supremacists present the gravest terror threat to the United States”
This is nonsense. White supremacists do not pose the greatest danger to the country, that designation goes to the left-wing groups that have rampaged through more than 2,000 US cities for the last 100 days. Black Lives Matter and Antifa-generated riots have decimated hundreds of small businesses, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of thousands of merchants and their employees, and left entire cities in a shambles. The destruction in Kenosha alone far exceeds the damage attributable to the activities of all the white supremacist groups combined.
So why has Homeland Security made this ridiculous and unsupportable claim? Why have they chosen to prioritize white supremacists as “the most persistent and lethal threat” when it is clearly not true?
Are These Antifa/BLM Riots a Jewish Coup?
It was always obvious to those of us on campus in the Vietnam years that if you fired at random into a mob of student protestors you would hit a lot of Jews, and that is exactly what happened at Kent State in 1970 (three out of the four dead) [Remembering the Jews of Kent State, 45 Years Later, by Anne Cohen, The Forward, May 4, 2015]. Subsequently, Stanley Rothman documented the key Jewish role in the New Left in his definitive 1982 study Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left. Similarly, at least one (Joseph Rosenbaum) and possibly two (Anthony W. Huber) of the Antifa shot in self-defense by Kenosha WI lifeguard Kyle Rittenhouse appear to have been Jews. (In a now-deleted post, the Jewish Chronicle tried to downplay Rosenbaum by saying he was “non-practicing.”) [Rosenbaum, not Jewish but targeted by antisemitism after death during unrest, by Rob Golub, August 27, 2020]. Will scholars eventually find that the Black Lives Matter moral panic that has convulsed the U.S. in 2020 also had a substantial Jewish component—that it is, in fact, a Color Revolution-style attempted Jewish coup?
Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
If there is any “two systems of justice” situation here, it’s that there are one set of rules for right-wing rioters and none for left-wing rioters who terrorized entire communities for months on end in 2020.
Antifa and BLM rioters destroy Oakland to the chants of “Death to America”
See videos below of Antifa terror in 2019
Violence in Portland escalates as Antifa terrorists assault numerous people
Violence broke out on the streets of Portland in 2019 as Antifa and right-wing groups came face-to-face, with Antifa assaulting numerous people.
The Proud Boys and Antifa held simultaneous demonstrations in Portland's downtown. Skirmishes, assaults and arrests occurred, with weapons seized.
A reporter was in the streets and captured dramatic footage.
In one clip, an older man was assaulted by Antifa and his American flag was ripped out of his hands.
George Soros and Antifa - What is their endgame?