Did you know that a genocide happened in Ukraine between 1930-33 and between 5 and 15 million people died but little is known about it because all that gets taught in education and movies is the alleged million of Jews who supposedly died during WW2

The Ukrainian famine—known as the Holodomor, a combination of the Ukrainian words for “starvation” and “to inflict death”—claimed the lives of of between 5 and 15 million people. And, unlike other famines in history caused by blight or drought, this was caused when a dictator wanted both to replace Ukraine’s small farms with state-run collectives and punish independence-minded Ukrainians who posed a threat to his totalitarian authority.
After Trotsky was deported in 1929 Stalin was now in total control. His induced famines and agricultural policies caused the death of over 20 million human beings. One of these famines was brought to the Ukraine (1930-1932) which was the most productive agricultural region of the Soviet Union. Stalin tried to take control of all Ukraine farms through his collectivization policy but the Ukrainians Resisted and fought back. So Stalin and his Jewish deputy Lazar Kaganovitch starved them into submission. The Cheka were sent in and all seed stocks, grains and animals were confiscated from the farms. All roads and railways were blocked off not allowing anything in or out of the country. Anyone trying to leave was simply shot. With nothing to left to eat Ukrainians began to starve and die in large numbers. The people started to eat the grass in the fields, their pets and even their children. Some Historians put the Ukraine death toll at about 9 million.
Below people collecting potatoes during the Ukraine famine - 1932

Journalist for the Manchester Guardian Malcolm Muggeridge reported on the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s and saw mass starvation which Stalin created to crush millions of peasants resisting collectivization.
Muggeridge and his wife Kitty spent the fall and winter of 1932-1933 in Moscow. Without permission, Muggeridge boarded a train and travelled through the Ukraine and North Caucuses. What he observed in what formerly had been the bread basket of the Soviet Union, he never forgot. He wrote a series of articles and smuggled them out of the country in a diplomatic pouch. In his articles he described millions of peasants dying, some in sight of full granaries guarded by the army and the police.
One of his first dispatches about the famine appeared in the Manchester Guardian in March 1933:
“The population is starving. “Hunger’ was the word I heard most. Peasants begged a lift on the train from one station to another, sometimes their bodies swollen up – a disagreeable sight – from lack of food. . . The little towns and villages seemed just numb and the people in too desperate a condition even actively to resent what had happened. . . Cattle and horse dead; fields neglected; meagre harvest despite moderately good climatic conditions; all the grain that was produced taken by the government now no bread at all, no bread anywhere, nothing much else either; despair and bewilderment”.
Another Manchester Guardian reporter, Gareth Jones, travelled to the Ukraine and reported about the famine. He got around the ban on journalists by packing a knapsack with as much tinned food as he could carry and went out into the villages of the Kharkov region on foot. Everywhere he went he saw people dying. He wrote: “In each village I received the same information – namely, that many were dying of famine and that about four-fifths of the cattle and the horses had perished…Nor shall I forget the swollen stomachs of the children in the cottages in which I slept”.
In early March 1933, after an 'off-limits' walking tour of the Soviet Ukraine, Gareth, a young man of just 27 years, exposed to the world the terrible famine-genocide that had befallen the Soviet Union and gave reasons for this tragic state of events. It was in the same week that Malcolm Muggeridge had three unsigned famine articles in the Manchester Guardian published, though at the time, due to the more reported Jewish problems in Germany , they went almost unnoticed. Gareth's story however, broke world-wide with much credence (by virtue of his position with Lloyd George) from a Berlin press interview on the 29th March 1933, and was published in the USA as 'exclusives' on the same day by Pulitzer prize winners; H. R Knickerbocker (1931) and Edgar Adsel Mowrer (1933)..
Even though Gareth revealed the truth, he was publicly denounced as a liar by several Moscow resident Western journalists, including The New York Times' and incumbent 1932 Pulitzer Prize Winner, Walter Duranty. The New York Times was Jewish owned and Duranty had he met Aleister Crowley and participated in magic rituals with him. Duranty became involved in a relationship with Crowley's mistress, Jane Cheron, and eventually married her.
What is not up for conjecture is that Gareth's Far Eastern movements were being closely monitored by the Soviets. Within five months, he had been kidnapped by 'Japanese-controlled' Chinese bandits and two weeks afterwards was suspiciously murdered in Inner Mongolia . His last mode of transport and from which he was kidnapped was 'kindly' provided gratis by a German company called Wostwag - now known to have been a trading front of the OGPU / NKVD... [He was kidnapped along with the German journalist, Dr. Herbert Mueller, who had invited him on the trip to Inner Mongolia . Mueller was 'unusually' released, unharmed after two days in captivity - British Intelligence records at the Public Records Office now reveal that they had a secret dossier on Mueller for 34 years citing him as; a known Communist, a representative of the Third International (Comintern) in China, at one time lived in the Soviet Consulate in Hankow, under the alias of 'Gordon' and also ran a covert Soviet courier business within China.]
With his murder under mysterious circumstances, Gareth Jones had effectively been silenced; the only reliable independent witness to arguably Stalin's greatest atrocity had been conveniently liquidated and both the Holodomor and Gareth's truthful reporting were effectively airbrushed out of history for more than half a century.
Famine Exposure - Newspaper Articles relating to Gareth Jones' trips to The Soviet Union (1930-35)
Although Lenin and Trotsky were not around then, Russia was still in the grip of the Jews. After the great purge ordered by Stalin at the end of 1936, the top rank officials of the forty Soviet Republics, i.e. the party secretaries who were holders of actual executive power, consisted of four Russians, two Armenians, one Georgian, one Buryat and forty-one Jews.
In his book ‘How the Jews Defeated Hitler’, Benjamin Ginsberg, a Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, USA, outlines the structure of Jewish power in the USSR. Here is an excerpt from the book.
Ginsberg explains that by the 1930s Jews exerted a remarkable level of influence in Soviet government and society.
“Jews were crucial to the founding of the Social Democratic Party in the 1890s, and the Jewish Socialist Bund played a major role in the unsuccessful 1905 revolution. In the period leading up to the 1917 revolution, Jews were instrumental in the leadership of both the Bolshevik and Menshevik parties. It was therefore quite predictable that after the revolution, “among the first official acts of the victorious Bolsheviks was outlawing pogroms and anti-Semitic movements.
Jews came to play major roles in the Communist Party and the Soviet state, taking key roles in areas such as “foreign affairs, propaganda, finance, administration, and industrial production. “Half of Lenin’s first Politburo were Jewish, and during the early decades of Communist rule Jews were “especially prominent” in the security services.
For example, the Jewish pharmacist Genrikh Yagoda was head of the secret police during the 1930s, and specialized in preparing poisons for his agents to use in liquidating Stalin’s opponents. Ginsberg adds that “other high-ranking Jewish secret police officers included M.T. Gay, who headed the special department that conducted mass arrests during the “Great Terror” of the 1930s, and A.A. Slutsky and Boris Berman, who were in charge of Soviet terror and espionage abroad.
Quickly rising as an elite in Soviet society, Jews enjoyed privileged access to the professions and influential political and cultural positions. “Though making up less than 2 percent of the overall populace, between 1929 and 1939, Jews constituted 11 percent of the students in Soviet universities.
This included 17 percent of all university students in Moscow, 19 percent in Leningrad, 24 percent in Kharkov, and 35.6 percent in Kiev.”Ginsberg adds that “Jews had become the backbone of the Soviet bureaucracy and constituted a large percentage of the nation’s physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and other professionals, as well as nearly 20 percent of the scientists and university professors in such major cities as Moscow and Leningrad.”
The USSR’s most influential journalist, Mikhail Koltsov, was Jewish, while the Soviet Union’s official radio announcer, Yuri Levitan, was also a Jew. Other culturally influential Jews were Semyon Lozovsky, chief Soviet press spokesman, Ilya Ehrenberg, the leading publicist for anti-German sentiment, and Vasily Grossman, the Soviet army’s most influential war correspondent. The Soviet film industry was also dominated by the Jews Sergei Eisenstein, Mikhail Romm, Mark Donskoy, Leonid Lukov and Yuli Reisman. Thus, while Jews ostensibly had no nation of their own, Ginsberg remarks that they “had a good deal of influence within the new Soviet state.”
Aside from warfare, Jews were essentially slave-masters overseeing the vast sphere of Soviet war production. The millions of Russians working ceaselessly in munitions factories came under the control of Boris Vannikov, deputy people’s commissar for armaments, while mass population movements of workers were orchestrated by the commissar for transport, Lazar Kaganovich.
Those workers tasked with building more and more factories were under the control of the Director of the Commissariat for Construction, the Jew Semyon Ginsburg. Steel production (Semyon Reznikov), aviation (Solomon Sendler), naval construction (Grigory Kaplun), the chemical industry (Leon Loshkin), and the fields of electricity, heavy industry, and fuel, were under Jewish authority.
The vast Russian workforce was essentially under Jewish control, and put to use in defense of Jewish interests. Meanwhile, the German workforce was operating on only one shift, continuing to produce consumer goods. Children went to school and women stayed at home. In the Soviet Union, the factories of the Jews operated every minute of every day, two million women were drafted into the military, and children were forced into the systems of production. A worker had to show up for work 66 hours per week, with only one day off per month.
Ginsberg demonstrates that Jews dominated the machinery of both popular coercion and persuasion, effectively maneuvering public opinion in line with Jewish interests. In the area of coercion, Jews were prominent in the NKVD, and the head of the army’s political officers was Lev Mekhlis, a Jewish Communist who had played a major role in the military purges of the 1930s.
One of the main responsibilities of Mekhlis was “making certain the soldiers fought and did not surrender.” But Jews were much more prominent in the field of persuasion. In the army, political workers called politruks were assigned to military units in order to enforce discipline and also lecture troops on their duties to the motherland and the bestial nature of the Germans. Ginsberg stresses that Jews were hugely over-represented at politruks, and were very important in preventing instances of Soviet surrender.
The Jewish-dominated Soviet film industry also dedicated itself to “exhorting the frightened and exhausted citizenry to fight the Germans.”Mikhail Romm and Mark Donskoy both specialized in films portraying the brutal torture of Russian women by Germans. Jewish-made films like these were then “shown throughout the war to fan feelings of Russian nationalism and hatred for the Germans.” (Not surprisingly during WW2 the American movie industry, Hollywood, was totally run by Jews and pumped out regular anti-German WW2 movies).
The official army newspaper, Red Star, was edited by the Jewish David Ortenberg. Ortenberg worked in tandem with co-ethnic Ilya Ehrenberg to create propaganda calling upon “every Soviet citizen to kill the Germans.” One of Ehrenberg’s most famous slogans was “If you have killed one German, kill another. There is nothing jollier than German corpses.”
Jewish propagandists like Ortenberg and Ehrenberg also worked abroad to build support for the Soviet cause. “The major vehicle for this effort was the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAFC) composed of prominent Soviet Jewish political figures and intellectuals.” The JAFC raised money in the United States and Great Britain.
“Though nominally an independent entity headed by the famous Soviet Jewish actor Solomon Mikoels, the JAFC was actually part of the Soviet Information bureau and closely monitored by a Jewish NKVD official, Sergei Shpigelglaz.
The JAFC found it easy to establish contact with similarly influential networks in the United States because that nation too had by World War II witnessed the rising power of the Jews.” - From the book ‘How the Jews Defeated Hitler’, by Benjamin Ginsberg.
Ginsberg’s chapter on the United States is perhaps the most interesting of the entire text. Ginsberg begins by charting the rise of the Jews under FDR— a “long climb to power and prominence.” More than 15 percent of Roosevelt’s top-level appointees were Jews—at a time when Jews constituted less than 3 percent of the population. More on this later.
The following is from (Rabbi Stephen Wise's son's Opinion Magazine, Dec. 1933), "With the rise of the Soviet regime...never has the world witnessed such a spectacular change of front on the part of a great state toward Jews...The State which previously did not employ any Jews at all, now employees in White Russia 61% Jewish Officials...A Jew is commander in chief of the Ukrainian Army; a Jew is President of the State Bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions of the Soviet Union; the universities, professions, judiciary and administration, have now a greater percentage of Jews than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolutionary (death - PA)."
In 1984, a documentary film about this Ukraine genocide entitled Harvest of Despair was shown on Canadian television. This film won numerous prizes at World Film Festivals and a 1986 Academy award nomination; yet all three top commercial networks in America refused to show it. They refused to show it because they are Jewish owned and only the Jews are allowed a Holocaust so as to keep people believing that they are always the victims. But the facts say otherwise as between 9 and 12 million Ukrainians were murdered. But this is never highlighted because they were Christians who died and they are not as important as the Jews. The Ukrainians don’t have Holocaust days and memorials throughout every country in the western world, the Jews do. The Jews have received billions for their alleged Holocaust but the Ukrainians and the Russian Christians have received nothing because the Jewish Zionists control western governments and that is fact. We continually get taught about Jewish children who allegedly suffered during WW2, such as Anne Frank but how many know about the millions of Ukrainian and Russian children who died of starvation and were brutally murdered by the Jews. Nobody knows about it because the Jews own and control the media so they keep this information out of the public eye.
The three men who were in charge of the murder of up to 12 million Ukrainians were Jews, Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov and most of the Cheka and the leaders of the Cheka were also Jews.
An investigation published in 1999 in Moscow revealed that in Kiev, Isaac Schwartz (Jewish) was the director of the 10-member Kiev Cheka collective during the time of this genocide. Initially seven of its members were Jewish. The Cheka personnel in Ukraine—with Ukrainians being 80% of the population—was 75% of Jewish origin.
“Why there is vast knowledge and emotional attachment to a Holocaust perpetrated against Jews and so little attention on a larger Holocaust perpetrated by Jews, is clear. It is the result of Jewish influence in media and government. We should have knowledge and thus passion for all victims of genocide, not just for a group favoured by the press”, - Dr. David Duke – Historian, Author, Former Congressman.
Let’s also note that Communist Jews were commandants of 11 of the 12 foremost Stalinist-era Gulags. Some 14 million would be detained in the 53 camps between 1934-1953 and millions died in these camps with some 3,000,000 people dying in the Kolymer camp alone. You can find out all about this in the book Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union by Dr. Herman Greife.
“Nearly all the chiefs of the concentration camps were Jews. The most infamous of these were: Naftali Frenkel, Matvei Berman, Aaron Soltz, Yakov Rappaport, Lazar Kagan. According to the Jewish researcher and publicist Arkadi Vaksberg, eleven out of twelve chiefs of camps in the Gulags were Jews”, - Lina Juri – Author - ‘Under the Sign of the Scorpion’.
Although Solzhenitsyn who was a prisoner in the Gulag’s states in his book ‘The Jews in the Soviet Union’ the number of deaths in the Gulags was far higher than what was first thought.
“The number of the prisoners that passed over the course of 35 years (until 1953) through the archipelago or died there amounts to roughly 40-50 million, and that is a careful estimation, because that is only three or four times the average population of the gulag during the war, 1 percent died daily, Russian people are now confronted by a Jew both as their judge and hangman. Likewise, Jews were commandants of 11 of the 12 great labor camp systems.”
In the book The Last Days of the Romanovs by Robert Wilton he provides 556 important figures of the Bolshevik leaders and the list included 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, 1 Czech, and 457 Jews. Wilson obtained his list from the Soviet Press who provided a list of 556 important figures of the Soviet Government, identifying their ethnicity.
Read about the Bolshevik Revolution here: