Jews and the LGBTQ Movement
Did you know that the early pioneers of Transgenderism and Pornography were Jews in Weimar Germany before Hitler came to power. Hitler closed them down and chased them out of Germany! Did you also know that over 40% of Transgender people attempt suicide!
Dr. Paul McHugh, a distinguished professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University, recently told the College Fix:
“Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them it’s an experiment. You need evidence for that and this is a very serious treatment. It is comparable to doing frontal lobotomies.
I believe it will be something like how we think of eugenics now. We will come to regret it when we discover how many of the young people that were injured regret it themselves.”

Ninety years have passed since the National Socialist took steps to protect German society by burning “troves” of pornographic Jewish “scientific literature” which attempted to normalize sexual deviancy — including books on “pioneering” gender mutilation surgeries — yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned — and why they themselves are the root cause of “antisemitic” reactions to their behavior, according to a recent article in the Jewish Forward:
“Just a few months after Adolf Hitler became Germany’s chancellor, pro-Nazi university students celebrated the nascent Third Reich by organizing public book burnings in 34 German towns and cities. These ceremonial destructions of “un-German” texts, often accompanied by parades, concerts and speeches, were carefully documented by Nazi officials and are now symbolic of the country’s descent into fascism.
Some of the core images associated with the Holocaust show piles of books smoldering in the streets of Berlin, and the new regime’s antipathy for Jewish authors like Heinrich Heine and Max Brod is now well-known. But another category of literature that perished in the book burnings — troves of research on sexuality — goes largely unnoticed today.
One of the institutions ransacked by the Nazi student groups that organized the book burnings was the Institute for Sexual Research (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft). Founded by the pioneering sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute was the first medical center devoted to the study of gender and sexuality. At the institute, trans patients received gender-affirming care, activists campaigned for the rights of queer Germans and doctors conducted research on gender-affirming procedures — much of which was lost forever in the book burnings.
Today, the United States is experiencing a moral panic about transgender rights, with attempts in many states to ban gender-affirming care and public expressions of queerness. Meanwhile, book bans are proliferating across American school districts, with activist parents agitating to remove books about marginalized groups and the United States’ long history of racism. Suzanne Nossel, the CEO of the free expression organization PEN America, described the book bans as a “relentless crusade to constrict children’s freedom to read…”
…Born in 1868, Hirschfeld was a gay Jewish doctor, sexologist and activist. At a time when the medical establishment pathologized homosexuality, treating it as evidence of mental illness or moral degeneracy, Hirschfeld argued that queer people were acting “according to their own nature” and should be respected as such.
He coined the phrase “sexual intermediaries” as an umbrella term to describe any person whose gender or sexual identities did not conform to cisgender, heterosexual norms, identifying Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare as famous historical examples. Even more radical in the context of his own era, Hirschfeld also recognized that some people have no fixed gender identity.
In 1897, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, one of the first gay rights organizations. The group adopted the motto “Through science to justice,” reflecting Hirschfeld’s belief that if Germans could be persuaded that homosexuality was a biological trait, they would relinquish their prejudices. He lobbied against “Paragraph 175,” the section of Germany’s legal code that criminalized homosexuality.
Hirschfeld’s concerns were not limited to the rights of gay men. He also gave sex advice to heterosexual couples and argued for wider access to birth control. On lecture tours in America, his wide-ranging expertise earned him the nickname “the Einstein of sex…”
…In order to put his ideas into practice, Hirschfeld founded the Institute for Sexual Research in 1919.
Housed in a gracious Berlin mansion, the Institute for Sexual Research offered medical care and education on issues like venereal disease, pregnancy and fertility. Hirschfeld, who lived in an apartment above the institute, performed the first male-to-female gender-affirming surgeries in 1930.
Hirschfeld also worked to protect his patients from the indignities of life in a hostile society. When some trans women could not find work after surgery, he employed them at the institute. And although his efforts to decriminalize homosexuality were unsuccessful, he procured “transvestite” identity cards for his patients, a stop-gap measure that helped them live openly as women without being arrested.
Besides serving patients, the institute housed offices for feminist activists and a printing press for progressive sexual health journals. The institute regularly hosted lectures and film screenings. Hirschfeld and his colleagues also developed an enormous library of rare texts and notes on gender-affirming surgery.

“The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.” — Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question.
Why was all this happening in Berlin?
…In the early 20th century, Berlin’s queer bar scene was famous enough to earn mentions in tourist guides. The city provided a safe haven for gay people from less hospitable countries. The British writer Christopher Isherwood, who lived in the city from 1929 to 1933 and whose work inspired the musical Cabaret, summarized the city’s vibe succinctly: “Berlin meant boys.” So while Hirschfeld was thinking far ahead of his time, he also worked within one of Europe’s most empowered queer communities.
How did the book burning happen?
In 1933, after Hitler was elected chancellor, the government began to purge cultural institutions of “degenerate” art and the artists who produced it. Third Reich propagandist Joseph Goebbels drew on pro-Nazi student organizations for help in this project. In April, the Nazi German Student Association proposed an “Action Against the Un-German Spirit” that would culminate in a series of book burnings.
Students broke into and occupied the Institute for Sexual Research on May 6. Four days later, they burned its entire library, along with thousands of other “un-German” books. University students accompanied the burnings with torchlight processions.
Hirschfeld, who was working in Paris when the institute was ransacked, learned of the library’s destruction through a newsreel and never returned to Germany. He stayed in Paris until the threat of a Nazi occupation caused him to flee to Nice. En route, he died of a stroke on his 67th birthday.
So, in other words, Jews think the “Nazis” burned these degenerate books merely to “celebrate” their rise to power — and it had nothing to do with the content of those books.
It never occurs to Jews that when our societies were still sane, gender dysphoria and homosexuality were scientifically-recognized emotional and psychological disorders that require serious medical attention.
Instead of giving these people the treatment they need, the Jews champion Magnus Herschfeld as some sort of “hero” for insisting these suffering individuals are “normal” — and then they become “shocked” when people don’t want to go along with their homo-gaslighting.
Jews — by their own admission — have a much higher incidence of mental disorders than the general public — and not surprisingly have a much higher rate of homosexuality — hardly a coincidence since they go hand-in-hand.
Many studies have been done showing that homosexuals often suffer from pathological levels of narcissism — so it should come as no surprise that Jews see Israel as a “haven” for homosexuals and other sexual deviants.
In fact, one recent study found that a whopping one-third of the Israeli population identifies as “bisexual” — and considering less than 2% of the general population in western nations identifies as “gay”, it appears that Jews are vastly over-represented in the “gay movement”.
From its beginnings, the “gay” or “LGBT” movement in America — and in all western countries — has been dominated by Jews — just as the “women’s movement” has been dominated by bitter Jewish lesbians and bisexuals.
And ‘gay porn’ was not only a product of deviant Jewish minds in Weimar, Germany — today, the largest producers of gay porn in America just so happen to be ‘a nice Jewish couple’ — Barry and Karen Mason.
When the “refugee crisis” hit Europe, Jewish pornographers started producing “refugee porn” to specifically appeal to the prurient interests of the Muslim invaders.
Nor should it surprise us that the largest owner of pornographic movie theaters in New York City was Chelly Wilson — a Jewish lesbian and alleged “Holocaust survivor”.
As British historian — David Irving — once pointed out to a Jew during a lecture,
“If you hadn’t behaved the way you have as a race for 3,000 years, first the Russians, then the Poles, then the Galicians, then the Austrians and the rest wouldn’t have harried and hounded you from pillar to post so you end up finding yourselves at Auschwitz. And you’ve never asked yourselves, “Why?”
Obviously, Chilly Wilson never asked herself “why” she and her family ended up in a German concentration camp — otherwise, she wouldn’t have used her new-found freedom to start a pornographic empire in America and create more “antisemitism” all over again.
Tone deafness is epidemic among Jews — blind to their own hypocrisy.
In 1290, Edward I banished Jews from England for practicing ruinous usury, so 800 years later they erect a bronze statue honoring a Jewish usurer in Winchester — and start the cycle all over again.
The Eight Genders in the Talmud
Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.
hought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? Think again. The ancient Jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume.
The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:
Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
Jewish run Disney. Is Jewish Cultural Marxism aiming to destroy American society & values.
Many people believe the Disney entertainment company is trying to “groom” children with LGBT content and transgender characters.
Not that long ago, the Walt Disney Company was a juggernaut in the entertainment industry. But the mask fell off after the company tried to stop Florida from passing a law that shielded children from transgender ideology. Top Disney CEOs admitted they intended to push LGBT characters and themes in their movies and shows.
Since then, the company has suffered from one train wreck after another. Major tentpole animated movies have flopped. Even strong franchises like Marvel and Star Wars are losing money.
Instead of learning from its mistakes, Disney has seemingly doubled-and triple-downed on the woke programming. Everything from streaming shows to clothes to theme parks is polluted with leftist messaging. Now, a new poll reveals Disney is in big, big trouble.
Polling proves the Disney Grooming Syndicate’s brand is on life support, with a pathetic 46 percent favorability rating. In a virtual tie, 45 percent view the Louse House unfavorably. Those numbers would not be all that great for a politician. They are death for a corporation.
The reason for this is obvious: Rasmussen discovered that 71 percent want Disney to cease grooming small children.
In an exclusive to Breitbart News, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,255 adults between April 21-23, and found only terrible news for what was, only a few years ago, one of the most universally-beloved brands in American history.
Disney is facing a terrible favorability rating. About 46 percent of consumers view it favorably and 45 percent have an unfavorable view. While a politician can survive with those numbers, a corporation that needs to pull in billions in profits a year cannot.
A poll from Rasmussen showed that 71 percent, a massive majority, wanted Disney to end its work programming. Many people believe the entertainment company is trying to “groom” children with LGBT content and transgender characters. That is turning off parents in droves and has resulted in major financial losses.
Disney’s CEO Bob Iger (Jewish) just staved off a coup. But if the company continues to lose money, he won’t be around much longer. A big company cannot afford to lose so many customers and survive—especially when there are so many alternatives in the entertainment sphere.
It doesn’t seem as if Disney is willing to wake up and smell the coffee. The liberal-run company continues to push far-left content. It doesn’t even seem to be offering some content that would please conservative or moderate Americans.
German author Wilhelm Marr wrote, in 1879, a book entitled ‘The Victory of Judaism over Germany’. Here is a brief excerpt which describes the Jewish dominance in the life of German society:
“There is no stopping them ... Are there no clear signs that the twilight of the Jews is setting in? No. Jewry’s control of society and politics, as well as its practical domination of the religious and ecclesial thought, is still in the prime of its development, heading toward the realization of Jehovah’s promise, ‘I will hand all peoples over to thee.’ By now, a sudden reversal of this process is fundamentally impossible, for if it were, the entire social structure, which has been so thoroughly Judaized, would collapse. And there is no viable alternative to this social structure which could take its place. Further, we cannot count on the help of the ‘Christian’ state. The Jews are the ‘best citizens’ of this modern, Christian state, as it is in perfect harmony with their interests ... It is not a pretentious prophecy but the deepest inner conviction which I here utter. Your generation will not pass before there will be absolutely no public office, even the highest one, which the Jews will not have usurped. Yes, through the Jewish nation, Germany will become a world power, a western New Palestine. And this will happen, not through violent revolutions, but through the compliance of the people”
Woke Disney Gets a Nightmare Update – Now the Mouse House Is Headed for Total Disaster
“Transgender” ideology is a political coup of the transhuman agenda
We'll Have a Gay Old Time: Disney Executives Confirm the Great Replacement Is Coming to the Mouse, Pledging Half Its Characters to be Non-White, LGBTQ
Jews Still Angry About That Time When The ‘Nazis’ Burned Their Gay Porn Stash in 1933
Gay Jewish CA Senator Wants Law Changed That ‘Discriminates’ Against LGBT Pedophiles And Predators
Pro-Family Group Claims LGBT ‘Terrorism’ And Gay Pride Parade ‘Bringing Disaster To Israel’
Meet The ‘Nice Jewish Couple’ Who Happen To Be The Largest Distributors Of Gay Pornography In America
Jewish LGBT Author Claims Pete Buttigieg ‘Not Gay Enough’ to Be First Sodomite President
Top Jewish Pornographer Admits Jews Have Controlled The Porn Industry From Its Very Beginnings
Up to 20% have regrets about their “sex change.” Sex change procedures are not effective, say researchers. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate is 20 times that of comparable peers.
Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Transgender Hormones and Surgery in Children
Germans Will be Able to Legally Change Their Gender Once a Year
American Medical Association Pushes to Remove Sex from Birth Certificates
How the “Woke Left” Is Destroying Education
Dem Congressman Says Arming Ukraine Is About Protecting Woke Values
Because Russia is mean to gays and transgenders.
Johns Hopkins Professor on Child Transgender Trend: ‘Many Will Regret this’
The Jewish Porn Industry
Minneapolis School District to Host Gender Clinic Director Who Says 3-year-olds Can be ‘Transgender’
Schools Are Indoctrinating Children Into Believing That “They Are in the Wrong Body”

Jews promote and push LGBTQ onto Western society but reject it for the Jewish state
The Great Replacement comes to Disney. [Disney exec wants half its characters to be LGBTQIA, minorities by end of year, New York Post, March 30, 2022]:
Disney executive has vowed to drastically increase inclusivity in its productions, promising that at least 50 percent of its characters will be LGBTQ or racial minorities by the end of the year.
Gay Jewish CA Senator Wants Law Changed That ‘Discriminates’ Against LGBT Pedophiles And Predators
Jewish LGBT Author Claims Pete Buttigieg ‘Not Gay Enough’ to Be First Sodomite President
The destruction of Disney is one of the major western institutions on the Jew hit list. Walt Disney was a notorious anti Semite. He loathed the Jews. Growing up with Disney, was enjoyable, when they made good movies (albeit with lots of subliminal messaging and blatant sexual content), as now they’re just woke rubbish. Had no intention of watching Star Wars with the female lead and black companion.
They’re not just taking Disney down but killing off old, well loved franchises to mirror the destruction of the old world order and bringing in the new. Star Wars, Star Trek, X Men, Marvel, Ghostbusters, Batman, Dr Who….the list goes on of great movies all plummeting due to diversity, equality and inclusion (D.E.I) all the way from Blackrock.
Disney & Hollywood (Hollywood signifies casting spells on children. The holly wood is what was used to make wands in the past) is Jew central. It’s one, big, bar mitzvah. As western sports are vastly overrepresented with blacks, the movie industry is with Jews, whether actors, screenwriters, directors or producers, it’s the epicentre of Jewish indoctrination of the goyim.
And they’ve done it simply by bringing women in to make action movies, ultimately bringing in women to play the roles, as 120lb women throw 250lb+ men all over the place, like rag dolls. Then they are changing every white character into a black one, or a male into a female and of course, they’ll be bringing in the transgenders soon as well.
No one wants to watch Hollywood, or the western movie industry. It’s a joke. People wrongly think that Disney is worried. Good gracious no! If they want money they simply get their Jew buddies to make it. No, they want to utterly destroy all western establishments and program the younger generations into accepting woke and D.E.I. It’s working
The Biden administration, which is totally dominated by Jews, has been exposed for aggressively promoting what they call "gender-affirming care"—a practice more accurately described as medical mutilation. Recent investigations have uncovered internal emails from Health and Human Services that reveal a dangerous agenda. Federal officials, including HHS Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine (Jewish), are working to circumvent state bans on gender transition procedures for minors. Right now, Rachel Levine’s Wikipedia page has no mention at all of Levine’s birth name or biological sex. At the top of the page it states that Rachel Levine was born on October 28, 1957, which is false. A reader who did not know otherwise, would never know he is a biological male with the birth name Richard Levine. This critical information is simply absent. That is the world Assistant Secretary Levine is trying to create through changing government data: a world which functions almost entirely on “omission bias” - omitting critical information for the reader. The exposed emails mentioned above also highlight plans to alter essential governmental data and statistics on sex, disguising these changes under the guise of "gender identity." Most disturbingly, these communications discuss strategies to "remove barriers" such as parental consent, effectively sidelining parents in critical health decisions involving their own children. The administration’s intent to offer "federal cover" for these actions blatantly undermines state regulations put in place to safeguard our youth. Moreover, litigation efforts have brought to light that despite significant opposition and the clear dangers associated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones — treatments that threaten the fertility and overall well-being of children — the federal push continues unabated. This not only contradicts scientific norms but also flouts the protective laws enacted by various states, as affirmed by the United States Supreme Court. The implications are grave: children are being used as pawns in a political game, sacrificing their health and future on permanently disabling life-altering medical interventions.
Florida sues Biden administration over new transgender healthcare rule
Biden signs order to protect transgender children as Texas continues efforts to restrict gender-affirming care
The Trouble with Trans-Westernism: How Men Can’t Be Women and Jews Can’t Be American

Video: The Dark And Perverted Roots Of Gender Ideology - This video delves into the twisted origins of modern gender theory, revealing the disturbed minds behind its creation. It questions the sanity of a society that has accepted the ideas of non-binary genders and the denial of biological sex roles.
Video: Tucker Carlson: Unveiling the Deep State's Transgender Agenda: The Sinister Plot Behind It
In the video you will see Health Secretary of the USA Trans RichardRachel Levine talking about how important Trans is!
Video: Behind The Deep State | Real Agenda Behind War on Family, Trans Mania.
The war on family being pursued by evildoers, including the explosion of transgender mania at every level, is about restructuring society and moving toward a tyrannical global order, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. In fact, from the very beginning, advocates of the sexualization of children understood that breaking down the family would help bring about totalitarian government and Marxism. Now, evildoers are working to capture the hearts and minds of children and drive a wedge into their families at the earliest possible ages.
The Transgender Agenda - 4-Parts
The transgender agenda is a big one, wanting everyone focused on their “identity” while disassociating from who they truly are. It’s all about the external rather than the internal. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on ‘Exploiting Transgenders’
Part 1 reveals an extensive timeline of those carrying out this agenda. Part 2 covers the origins of the medical engineering and who was behind it. Part 3 shows who the funders and profiteers are as well as a short list, plus over 50 care clinics for youth involved in this. Part 4 provides a list of those behind this agenda.
Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry
How do you build an industry? How do you market it and provide support backing up your marketing? How do you exploit a community, while creating a glamorized trend throughout society, stemming from chaos and confusion? How do you grow your margins and take it all the way to the bank? How do you do all of this, and still sleep at night? The exploitation and manufacturing of the transgender “industry” kicked off in the 1950s with a mix of social and medical engineering, with a moving target on children. The manufacturing of this industry goes far beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, and if you dare question it, it is discrimination. The real discriminators are those exploiting a community who truly suffer from trauma, depression, and an attempted suicide rate of 40 percent. They are the ones who should be angrier than anyone about the atrocities these people have committed. They are now exploiting your children, and they have taken this to dangerous extremes.
• A study by Johns Hopkins researchers shows “gender-affirming” surgeries have increased four-fold from 2000-2014.
• More than 40% of transgender people attempt suicide with a higher portion resulting after reassignment surgery, and the suicide rate is nineteen times higher than the general population.
• Less than 1% of the population identifies as transgender with 23% of them identifying as heterosexual.
• Only 4.5% of American adults identify as LGBTQ, yet teaching about these different sexualities and sex has already made it into state law in four states and counting, while seeding young children’s minds with the idea that switching genders is like choosing between an Almond Joy or a Snickers bar.
• There are over 25,000 adverse reports including 1500 deaths on Lupron products for puberty blockers, endometriosis, and prostate cancer. Manufactured by AbbVie, Lupron Depot-Ped is the number one prescribed puberty blocker, which is being used on children for early stages of gender transitioning, despite never having been approved by the FDA for that purpose.
• Multiple states now offer “Gender X,” a non-binary third gender option on state ID cards, driver’s licenses, and birth certificates, by way of using “discrimination” for passing new legislation. This is a global epidemic.
Why are transgender people being glamorized, the idea of switching genders pushed upon children, and it’s all prohibited from being discussed or debated? The remaking of a population by creating mass confusion and chaos while dishing out puberty blockers as though it’s the next best Botox treatment, has avalanched into dangerous territory. Faster than one could daringly speak the incorrect pronoun, gender clinics are popping up across this country, surgeons are sharpening their scalpels, and money is pouring into this agenda. With the suicide rate of transgenders being nineteen times greater than the general population and a large percent of transitioned transgenders wishing they hadn’t done so, one wonders how this destructive agenda got its kickstart and who’s really benefiting from it. Certainly not those dealing with gender dysphoria.
Part one will take you through the timeline and origins of the social engineering used to create this industry. Part two will cover the medical engineering behind this, and the danger to children. Part three will get into those funding this agenda and those profiting from it. Part four will show how they have manufactured a reality, who’s assisted, and how it must be stopped.
Part 1 Full article:
Part 2: Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins
Part 3: Exploiting Transgenders: The Funders & Profiteers
Just how big has this industry grown, right under your noses? From 2000 to 2014, a study by Johns Hopkins researches shows that gender-affirming surgeries have increased four-fold. By 2016, they were up another 19 percent from the previous year. Since the inception of the first youth gender clinic erected in 2007 by Boston Children’s Hospital, over fifty youth gender clinics have sprouted up. This doesn’t even include all of the facilities available to adults. And who is the second largest provider of gender affirming hormone therapy, in the nation? None other than Planned Parenthood. Beginning to see just how large this manufactured industry has grown? Who was behind the funding, and who are the profiteers?
Who is Behind The Funding?
In 2018, Jennifer Bilek did an excellent report in the Federalist, breaking down who some of the biggest funders were. Interestingly, at the time she reported on it, there were 30 gender youth clinics, and there are now over 50. She did such a phenomenal job of illustrating the Pritzker family (Jewish) as a case study to show just how they move funds around to push the transgender movement through institutions and the education system, while simultaneously investing in the medical infrastructure. There are numerous billionaire families following this same model, ultimately shaping the narrative, normalizing transgenderism, and grooming students to propagate their agenda, making them all funders and profiteers.
Jennifer Pritzker, one of the many Pritzkers involved in this, was the national co-chair of Obama for America 2012 and national finance chair of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Pritzker helped create the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) while serving as Obama’s secretary of commerce, and facilitated a $70 million award to them, which was the first funding of its kind. Obama held the first meeting ever on transgenderism at the White House, and his administration went on to shift policies to serve this industry they were creating.
Part 4: Exploiting Transgenders: Manufacturing a Reality $$
From unwitting or negligent parents to the education system, billionaire funders to big pharma, the CIA to Hollywood, NGOs and legislatures, the manufactured transgender industry has been pushed for several decades, and increased fourfold from 2000 to 2014. In fact, there are already over 50 youth gender clinics in the U.S., with hundreds of locations providing services for those of all ages. The social engineering and medical engineering origins have long been established, and were covered in part one and part two of this report. The funders and profiteers of this agenda were covered in part three.
Despite the fact that 40 percent of transgenders attempt suicide, more often after transition surgery, the funders and profiteers continue this manifestation under the guise of “glamor,” “feeling whole again,” and “reproductive rights.” Part four summarizes the sales and marketing phase we are currently in, showing just who is doing the brainwashing to drive sales, and increase the industry from less than 1 percent of the population to a thriving industry, which includes more legislation. Aside from this being a billion dollar industry, the results they are seeking seem to coincide with their plan for a one world governance and a socialist agenda.
The social engineering phase has long been in place. They have built advocate teams across the country within colleges and universities, altered legislation to include LGTBQ teachings in schools, brainwashed parents to believe Central Precocious Puberty is an actual disorder that requires pumping hormones into their children, have institutionalized this ideology, have maintained positions on boards of universities and medical infrastructures, and have the media in their back pockets. They have changed medical guidelines and practices, trained doctors and surgeons all over the country, and opened up countless gender clinics. They have also trained counselors and psychologists to suggest “transitioning,” to their patients, rather than working through the mental traumas. What we are witnessing now is the sales push to increase less than 1% of the population who identify as transgender, to enormous heights, so as to drive sales. Who better to do that than those they’ve had in place for decades?
The CIA is very much involved in pushing this agenda. Of course, they do it under the guise of “acceptance” and “nondiscrimination,” but their ulterior motives are clear. They even came up with a “diversity and inclusion strategy” under the direction of former CIA Director John Brennan. If one didn’t understand the full scope of this agenda, they might believe this was all done for the good of the LGBT community.
In 1995, former president Bill Clinton signed an executive order banning the withholding of security clearances from members of the LGBT community. This EO is what “sparked the push for diversity and inclusion inside the CIA and inspired three courageous LGBT officers to found ANGLE in 1996.” ANGLE is an interesting name considering the true motives. ANGLE stands for Agency Network for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Officers and Allies. This documentary about ANGLE includes former president Barack Obama, former CIA director John Brennan and other high ranking officials.
Legislation to Remove Parental Rights and Hijack Your Children
States are making changes to state identification documents to include “Gender X” for non-gender binary options. Some states such as California, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Washington have added “Gender X” to birth certificates. There are now multiple states that allow transgender people to change their gender on their birth certificates, with some states not requiring surgery to make that update. Multiple states have added “Gender X” to their driver’s licenses and state identification cards as well. Reminder, less than 1% of the population identify as transgender, but they are passing laws across the country, and across the world, to create a “Gender X” on legal documents. Why? Because, by putting that option on documents and driver’s licenses, it is visually drilling it into the minds of everyone that there is suddenly a third gender. It also sets precedent for creating and/or adding to any discriminatory laws they wish to put in place, which will in turn be advantageous when trying to get Medicaid or Medicare rights for reassignment surgery. Think building blocks.
Case in point, there is a case before the Supreme court right now, who have never ruled on transgender rights, trying to pass a federal law that forbids sex discrimination against gay and transgender employees in the work place. There are already laws in place for discrimination in the work place, but they are wanting to draw special attention to the LGBT community specifically.
After a four-year battle over transgender students having unrestricted access to locker rooms and restrooms in Chicago’s northwest suburbs school district, they won the battle in a 5-2 vote. This gives access for males who identify as transgender females to enter female locker rooms. This is where their well-doctored, 7-decade-long “discrimination” push played a hefty role, all the way up to The Federal Office of Civil Rights. Due to one student wishing to use the girls locker room back in 2015, the school was told they were in violation of non-discrimination law and gave them 30 days to comply or else jeopardize its Title IX funding. They then allowed the student to use a private stall in the girls’ locker room, but it was not made a district-wide policy. Then, in 2017 another transgender student sued the district over locker room access. That case was lost in court, however, the Palatine-Schaumburg High School District 211 board decided to take a vote on the matter in November, 2019, and have now made it official as a district-wide rule.
Whereas Planned Parenthood is marketing hormones under the guise of “reproductive rights” that requires no mental health professionals, states are passing legislation saying that Medicaid must cover transition surgery, breast augmentation, and puberty blockers due to a “necessary” need under a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. Do you see how they work all ends of the spectrum to meet their needs and fill their bank accounts, some of which comes from taxpayer dollars? So if a woman who has incredible pain seeks to get a hysterectomy, it will not be covered under insurance, but if a male wishes to get breasts, Medicaid and several other insurance providers will cover it under a “mental health necessity.” How do you recognize when an agenda is being played out before your eyes? It’s that simple.
As alarming as this is with Planned Parenthood dishing out hormones like candy, it’s more terrifying that parents rights are being removed when it comes to children deciding they wish to transition. South Dakota recently killed a bill that would have protected the right of parents to refuse to consent to psychological or medical treatment for a child with gender dysphoria if the treatment “would induce, confirm, or promote the child’s belief that the child’s sex or gender identity is different from the child’s sex presented at birth….. and, no public authority or official of this state may take any adverse action against a parent for exercising this right.” This means, that if a parent doesn’t go along with the brainwashing that’s been done to their child, and agree to puberty blockers, hormone treatment and transitioning, the child could be removed from the family due to medical neglect. This is horrifying, and if this doesn’t open every parents’ eyes to the true agenda, then they have succeeded in blinding the masses.
The Education System
The education system was infiltrated long ago, from as young as kindergarteners up through universities. As more and more parents go to battle at their children’s schools to fight against the LGBT and expanded sexual education teachings taking place across the country, states are trying to pass laws that stipulate it be taught in the school system, and four states have already succeeded. CPS is getting involved, if parents don’t go along with their child suddenly wanting to transition and get on puberty blockers. Counselors are being trained on gender dysphoria and are sometimes suggesting they transition early on in their counseling sessions. They are welcoming males into female bathrooms and locker rooms in some school districts. But the most manipulative tactics are when they have teachers and instructors telling children that “genitals don’t determine your gender,” and “some days you may feel like a girl, and other days you feel like a boy,” while making it all seem perfectly normal and harmless, as though it is a choice. Imagine their confusion? Now imagine the culture they are trying to breed into this country. You don’t have to imagine, just watch this clip below. If you thought depression and anxiety has become an epidemic in this country, you haven’t seen anything yet, unless we put a hard stop to this. Teachings like this are happening all across the country and the world. This is the sales push to convert children.
Video below: School brainwashing kids about Transgender Agenda

A Jewish man, Benjamin Cohen owns the largest and most influential LGBTQ+ website in the world -
PINKNEWS bills itself as “the world’s largest and most influential LGBTQ+ led media brand,” and boasts that their allegedly “multi-award winning content leads the cultural zeitgeist.
Created through a uniquely inclusive lens.” In reality, the website is the most extreme propaganda arm of the LGBT movement, and its “journalists” serve as attack dogs for delusional and increasingly violent transgender activists.