Did you know that during the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 Anti-Semitism was made a crime and punishable by death and that was because this Revolution was actually a Jewish led Revolution against The Russian Christians.

Semitism or anti-Semitism and the Jews have almost nothing in common!
Don’t just swallow what the (mostly Jewish) mass-media is telling you. Get yourself some history books and the Encyclopaedia Judaica and get your knowledge yourself through your own research.
Jews (Kazars and Zionists really) use this buzzword to stop anyone criticizing their power or crimes. For instance in 2014 the Israel war machine launched Operation Protective Edge against the defenceless Palestinians and 577 children where killed but if any politician mentions that in a interview they will be smeared with the word anti-semite or bring up Israel's many links to 9/11 or Israel's attack against the USS Liberty or Jewish control of the media and you will be smeared with this word, anti-semite.
Here I will just give you some short phrases from Des Griffin's book Anti-Semitism and the Babylonian Connection.
As a result of an unrelenting avalanche of Zionist propaganda, the vast majority of Germans as well as Americans have been misled into believing that the word Semite refers almost exclusively to the people who today are known as Jews. In fact few thing could be further from the truth!
Interestingly, the words Semite, Semitism and anti-Semitism do not even appear in the 1828 edition of Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language. They were coined only toward the end of the last century.
So, who are the Semites?
The Semites are, according to the highly authoritative Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1944 (p. 1838) the people belonging to the race of mankind which includes most of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 as descended from Shem, son of Noah, as the Arabs, Hebrews, Assyrians, and Arameans, and speaking a Semitic language as their native tongue. Well, most people in the world would answer the question whether the modern Jew is of Hebrew or Semitic origin with a clear “yes”! False! This is simply not true. The Jews in modern society have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews of biblical times. For decades we never thought of even questioning this basic assumption.
Actually, it is an historical fact that some 95 percent of modern Jewry are not of Semitic stock. They are of Turkish stock – the so-called Khazars.
“The Khazars came not from Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus. Genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jakob. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax that history has ever perpetrated.”
(Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe).
Let me give you some quick overview of the history of the Khazars.
“The Jews of our times fall into two main divisions: Sephardim and Ashkenazim. The Sephardim are the descendants of the Jews who since antiquity have lived in Spain (Hebrew: Shepard) until they were expelled at the end of the fifteenth century. In the 1960s, the number of Sephardim was estimated at 500,000. The Ashkenazim or Khazar Jews as the same time numbered about 11 million.”
(The Thirteenth Tribe, p.181)
The Jewish Encyclopaedia tells us about the Khazars (spelling varies):
“Chazars: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginning of the history of the Jews in Russia…driven on by the nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge. In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westwards…the kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of southern Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Vangarians (855 AD). At this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood at the height of its power and was constantly at war. At the end of the eighth century… the chagan (king) of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced the Jewish religion.
(Having the Christians to their left and the Muslims to their right they were asked to join either one of those religions, but the chagan out of protest chose the Jewish religion)
The Jewish population of the entire domain of the Chazars, in the period between the seventh and eighth century, must have been substantial. About the ninth century it appears as if all the Chazars were Jews and that they had been converted to Judaism only a short time before. It was one of the successors of Bulan named Obadiah, who regenerated the kingdom and strengthened the Jewish religion.
“He invited Jewish scholars to settle in his dominion and founded synagogues and schools. The people were instructed in the Bible, Mishnah and the Talmud and the divine service of the hazzanim… In their writings the Chazars used the Hebrew letters… the Chazar language predominated…
“The Russian Varangians established themselves at Kiev… until the final conquest of the Chazars by the Russians after a hard fight. Four years later the Russians conquered all the Chazarian territory east of the Azov river. Many members of the Chazarian royal family emigrated to Spain… Some went to Hungary, but the great mass of the people remained in their native country”
(Jewish Encyclopaedia, Volume IV, article on Chazars, pp. 1-5).
After Obadiah came a long succession of chagans (kings), for according to a fundamental law of the state only Jewish rulers were permitted to ascend to the throne. So we glean from strictly Jewish sources that the vast majority of present day Jews cannot claim to be descendants of the original Hebrews, and possibly heirs to Palestine. Because of that fact, the term “anti-Semitism” does not refer to modern Jews. Benjamin Freedman, a Jew who was on a first name basis with most of the top Zionists in the 30s and 40s, puts his finger firmly on the true purpose behind the use of the term “anti-Semitism”
He declares that:
“it should be eliminated from the English language. 'Anti-Semitism' serves only one purpose today; it is used as a smear word. When so-called Jews feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives, they discredit their victims by applying the word 'anti-Semite' or 'anti-Semitic' through all the channels they have at their command and under their control”.
(Facts are Facts, Benjamin Freedman, p.73).
Also what happened in the Third Reich is not necessarily related to “anti-Semitism”, it had to do with “anti-Khazarism” and “anti-Talmudism” (especially the “Mosaic Law”) which will be answered correctly by any SS-member (if still alive). I will give you some direction through all these terms pretty soon.
The most widely known and powerful Khazar family is the Rothschild family, who are named after the red shield that is the symbol of the Khazars. Does this make sense?
Just keep in mind that, because the modern Jews are not of Hebrew origin, they never had and never will have a right for claiming the land of Palestine. The state of Israel is absolutely illegal, even if the Jews would have some Hebrew origin.
To bring it down to the point: the race with the most “anti-Semitic” attitude is probably the modern Jew himself. Why? Because they hate and fight the Arabs who really are of Semitic stock whenever and wherever they can!!! Therefore the “Arabs” are “anti-Khazar” or “anti-Jewish” and the Jews are the ones who are “anti-Semitic”!
Think about it! Sometimes the truth is very uncomfortable.
Former Israeli Education Minister on "Antisemitism"
"Well, it's a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic ... And it's very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians."
Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behaviour
Antisemitism used to mean “someone who doesn’t like Jews,” but nowadays it means “someone that Jews don’t like for some reason or another.” The deliberate trick here is to make you think there is something wrong not with the Jewish baby killers, liars, or scum who are doing bad things but with the person noticing and reacting to the bad things these miscreants are doing.
So, what are the bad things that most people notice about Jews? Before naming and defining the most important ones, let’s first find out what Jews themselves say about antisemitism. Is it a rational and logical reaction to Jewish behaviour? Or is it, as most Jews claim, an irrational hatred of a totally harmless people who have been the innocent victims of human jealousy, vindictiveness, and persecution since the beginning of time?
Theodore Herzl, the Jewish father of Zionism, believed that hostility towards Jews was a natural consequence of their behaviour:
This perfectly understandable reaction follows from the defects of the Jews… The Jews are a people distinct and separate from others, whose interests are different, and often in conflict with those of the peoples among whom they live.
A fact shared by Chaim Weizmann, the first president of the State of Israel:
Whenever in a country the number of Jews reaches a certain level of saturation, that country reacts against them… Now, this reaction is not antisemitism in the ordinary or vulgar sense of the word, but a universal social and economic consequence of Jewish immigration; it is impossible to ignore it.
“It seemed to me,” writes Bernard Lazare, the Jewish author of the book Antisemitism, its History and Causes,
that an opinion as universal as antisemitism, having flourished in all places and at all times, before the Christian era and after, in Alexandria, Rome, Antioch, Arabia, and Persia, in medieval and modern Europe, in a word, in all parts of the world where there have been and where there are Jews, it seemed to me that such an opinion could not be the result of a whim and a perpetual caprice, and that there must be deep and serious reasons for its blossoming and its permanence.
In his book The Sacred Chain. A History of the Jews, Jewish historian Dr. Norman F. Cantor, states the following:
It must be recognized, as it is rarely in the histories of the Jews, that [the] expressed resentment and indictments against the Jews were not entirely fictitious libels or maliciously revived and activated stereotypes simply disseminated by paranoid hate merchants from the grab bag of the antisemitic premodern past. There was just enough empirical truth in these negatives, overblown, and over-generated images to give them persuasive force.[4]
Jewish writer, publisher, and entrepreneur, Samuel Roth is pretty straight forward:
There is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors… We come to the nations pretending to escape persecution, we [Jews] are the deadliest persecutors in all the wretched annals of man. Now that we have established with sufficient certainty that antisemitism is a logical rational reaction to Jewish behaviour, let’s look into some of the most common causes of antisemitism?
Enemies of Humanity
This is without a doubt a major cause of antisemitism, even more so since the Jews of Israel, supported by the vast majority of the Jewish diaspora that’s colonizing and controlling Western countries, are committing genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, in front of the whole world, with a cruelty and determination that knows no bounds.
Never in the history of mankind has a race of people gone so quickly from being exceptional victims to exceptional murderers determined to exterminate the Palestinians under the pretext of recreating their homeland, the biblical Israel, an entity that never existed in the first place.
Under the mantle of religion and the false biblical prophecy of a Greater Israel stretching from the Euphrates to the Nile, the Zionists are constantly seeking to expand their territory – Israel being the only country in the world with no fixed borders. They follow and respect no convention, no treaty, no resolution; lie about everything and nothing; do whatever they please; practice torture, apartheid, racial nationalism, terrorism, slavery, and genocide; kill babies, pregnant women, and the elderly, rape young girls, brake the bones of kids with an obvious pleasure, in front of the whole world; start colour revolutions and wars in neighbouring countries in order to expand their territory; commit false-flag attacks; accumulate nuclear warheads which they threaten to use against the whole world if their Zionist project fails.
You have to be as blind as a Christian Zionist or a US congressman not to see who Jews really are behind their sacrosanct “chosenness.”
Jewish Takeover of Our Governments and Institutions
Do you really think that no one notices the preponderance of Jews at the top levels of the social pyramid? Do you really think that no one has noticed that all governments in the West are either staffed and run by Jews or financed by Jewish donors?
In America, according to American political analyst Paul Craig Roberts, the Deep State Neocons —that everyone talks about but no one dares to identify — are Jews. In fact, according to Roberts, in the Biden regime, for example, all powerful positions are held by Jews.
Read the full article below:
Secret History of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act
Watch below a video from a researcher about anti-semitsm as a control strategy