The Spanish Flu

​Did you know that the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-20 was not actually the Flu but a Bacterial Pneumonia

The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not an influenza virus

The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to military bases, the first one in Fort Riley, Kansas.

From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley

During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.

There are many other dead giveaways occurring in real-time that also reflect this obvious copycat international criminal conspiracy to commit genocide, and impose draconian controls on the entire planetary civilization, just as they did with the Spanish Flu

There are now volumes of scientific, circumstantial, anecdotal and experiential evidence available in the public domain which demonstrates that the COVID-19 global pandemic and staged panic were meticulously planned in advance, just as they are being executed, coordinated, and covered up in real-time today

This compilation of “Comprehensive Series of Exclusive Exposés, Big-Picture Analyses and Health Warnings” provides necessary background as well as deeper understanding of what’s really happening today

The Spanish Flu of 1918 was first and foremost a military operation conducted by the U.S. Armed Forces, principally, along with the rest of the Allied Powers. The pandemic was intentionally started at Fort Riley, Kansas by the forced administration of experimental vaccines on every American recruit. Fort Riley, Kansas was the Army’s largest training facility during World War I, which meant that the soldiers were sent to every theater of war. Those flu-infected service members then traced out countless vectors of dissemination for the H1N1 influenza virus that went on to kill upwards of 100 million people worldwide. The Great War was cynically used by the perpetrators to aggressively enforce an info blackout that significantly contributed to the worst global pandemic in history. Hence, the pervasive ignorance regarding the existence of such a perilous plague, as well as the lack of good information about how to effectively treat it, ensured an extraordinarily high mortality rate.

The Spanish Flu pandemic was first initiated via an inherently unsafe experimental vaccination program which the creators knew was extremely toxic and lethal. There were several goals achieved by that global depopulation strategy, one of which was to seed the entire human race with specific types of biological and chemical material that would alter DNA among other things. For instance, the Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 and was very involved in medical research and education as their business investments were heavy in the nascent pharmaceutical industry. For predatory capitalists involved in the healthcare industry, disease was a good thing because it was very good for business. Not only that, but petroleum refinery-generated waste products from Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company could be used as the raw material to create new and profitable pharmaceutical drugs. Because many prescription drugs are formulated with petrochemical derivatives, which have been chemically engineered to mimic the medicinal qualities of herbs and other plant-based remedies, Rockefeller and his partners could patent them to earn enormous profits. Hence, the Spanish Flu proved to be a great boon to all the super-wealthy robber barons and venture capitalists of the first half of the last century

The Spanish Flu sickness was significantly exacerbated in various ways by the medical protocols prescribed by virtually all attending physicians. This included the regular prescription of Bayer aspirin which suppresses the immune system. In so doing, the secondary infection of bacterial pneumonia was provided a much more conducive environment in which to proliferate rapidly often ending in a quick death. Many other victims actually died of aspirin overdoses because the clinicians were incapable of “differentiating progressive salicylate intoxication from infection pathologically or clinically”. Other fatal complications often arose from the liberal prescription of various opioid painkillers to include morphine, opium, codeine and heroin. Morphine was the pain reliever of choice in most hospitals at that time which frequently led to life-destroying addictions or worse. American hospitals were generally overwhelmed by the influx of acute patients many of whom required intensive care. The crowded conditions and fetid air quality also contributed considerably to higher infection and mortality rates

The electrification of Earth played a significant role in the globalization of the Spanish Flu pandemic. Prior to World War I, electricity was not nearly as available to the common man whereas after the war it became much more ubiquitous. Because the radio era began in 1918, people everywhere were listening close to the “talking radio”. Other electrical inventions also became popular quickly. This created a new soup of low-level electropollution within which the industrialized nations became immersed. The scientists of the day were well aware of the subtle negative effects of electricity on the human body. While they may not have known about the production of viruses as a bodily reaction to electromagnetic frequencies, they knew that exposure to electrical fields had adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Hence, the Spanish Flu may have been deliberately timed at the very beginning of the radio era when viruses began to appear. The coronavirus family of viruses was first discovered in the 1960 when the electrification of the planet took another substantial leap. See: Germ Theory, Viruses & Exosomes (Video

There were extreme press restrictions in 1918 regarding the Spanish Flu which effectively weaponized the influenza causing it to mushroom into a global pandemic. None of the allied nations were permitted to discuss it in public which is why it was labelled the Spanish Flu. Only in Spain was the devastating flu openly discussed throughout high society, by government officials, in the media and among the citizenry as the unprecedented public health disaster it truly was. Because the Spanish government stubbornly refused to enter World War I on either side, the Allies tagged them with the worst pandemic in world history by naming it the Spanish Flu. Whatever information was eventually released to the general public proved to be too late or untrue, leading to many more millions of flu deaths well after the pandemic was declared over with.

Since the Spanish Flu of 1918, Big Pharma Has Deceived the Public About the Safety of Vaccines. The Role of the Rockefellers